People and History

Eiti Automation AB is a spin-off company of Örebro University. We call ourselves wild open tech startup. What we do is called mobile robotic telepresence and our vision is to provide empower people in their endeavors via simple and affordable robotic telepresence technology!

People at Eiti


Pär makes sure that we keep our vision bright, our targets clear, and our path smooth.


Andrey is responsible for building and coding and enjoys doing cool stuff with sensors, motors, and JS libraries.


The history if Eiti can be traced many years back to research project involving various telepresence robots at the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems at Örebro University. After the existing market could not satisfy our research demands, we started to build robots ourselves, with a clear idea to create something extremely simple, yet powerful, modular, pluggable, and easy to use, so that we can set up and run experiments quickly and with the minimal possible effort.

Over time, our little pet project evolved into a stable and ready to use open and modular robotic telepresence platform. It took a bit more time for us to see its potential in helping people, and then even more time and effort to build something that can be offered as a platform and a product to the wide audience.